Artist Feature!! Brambly Hedge Cottage

This Cottage is made by a fellow member on the GreenLeaf Community Board Karin.
She is a very talented Artist and I could not resist featuring her work on my blog.
Her Brambly Cottage reminds me of my childhood love of children's books with real pictures of miniatures in them.
I think this is the Cutest Dollhouse I have ever seen.
I have listed a link at the bottom going to her Greenleaf Album so you can see more pictures.
I have asked Karin for permission to use her pictures, I have also included her comments that are beside the pictures as they give you information about the picture.
Here is her discription of her Cottage.
A Brambly Hedge inspired cottage. The Brambly Hedge is a series of books written~illustrated by Jill Barklem...I fell in love with the illustrations and had to build a cottage:) This cottage belongs to Mrs. Crustybread. Im not finished with the base and flowers,and I still want to make more food and dishes. So,this album shows far...

Yesterday I did the key on the nail, and put the shelves up, painted the door knob.

I love these shelves, just got them stained and put in place. At first I thought they were too expensive for something I could really probably make myself, ($10 for three shelves), but I was really happy I did, they are nice and roomy and good quality. Cant wait to fill them with China plates and pink pitchers and tea cups!
This is one of the flour sacks I made yesterday,they are filled with cloves and pumpkin spice which makes the whole little house that! Buttercups doll furniture. I found this little 'rug' in my stash, my Grandma had made, it had a little cup on the top,which I carefully removed with a seam ripper and I'll use the cup part for a basket, I have about 7 of these little "rugs":) Thanks Grandma! Know she is smiling from Heaven:)
cauliflower,carrots and potatoes
Please meet Buttercup, Buttercup is Mrs. Crustybread's little daughter. Shes enjoying her afternoon cup of hot cocoa but cant seem to keep her whiskers out of the whipped cream!

I haven't decided on front door hardware yet,don't know if I want a Tudor look or just a simple door knob,so until we decide...we use a secret knock to gain entrance:)
In case anyone is wondering how big the Sugarplam is, size~wise...this is my Aster Cottage,Buttercup and Sugarplum left to right.
Enjoy this very talented ladies work!!


  1. It's lovely. Thanks for sharing :)
    Julia xxx

  2. Ill have to show this to my daughter Lola, she will adore this! I had a sneaky peak at the other houses too, WOW they are fantastic, I wonder if they are all her own collection or does she make them to sell. If they are all hers sh is so lucky, what a wonderful selection of houses!Thanks for sharing . Kate xxx

  3. Soooooooo adorable! I'm in love with the little mice, and the cottages are wonderful!

  4. I thought of Lola when I saw this. so magical!

    Victoria ♥

  5. Me encanta,esas ratitas se ven de lo mas linda, felicidades.

  6. I love Brambly Hedge :-)
    I have all the books, and when I'm sad, I flip through one and I feel reassured, as if I had been drinking a steaming cup of tea with the mice ...
    This cottage is a dream come true!
    Thanks to you ...and Karin, naturally :-)

  7. Wonderful! I want to shrink down and live there!

  8. Es una escena maravillosa, Felicidades ¡¡¡¡¡ te ha quedado de cuento.

  9. He disfrutado mucho viendo todos estos detalles. La llave en el clavo muy buena idea. Otra idea muy buena es pober clavos de aroma en los saquitos. Me encanta.
    Besos Clara

  10. OK, I am officially a fan! I love love love your blog! Makes me feel like a little girl again. Thanks

  11. Joanne, thanks so much, i would email you but cant find it on your blogs. thanks so much for you lovely comment, im turning 41 in Jan and still feel like a kid inside!!

  12. So beautiful!
    I like them very much.
    Me quedarĂ­a una hora mirando esas casitas.
    Te felicito. Son una preciosidad.

  13. Great job on these kits, I love how you did them!! I must master paper clay!!!!! grrr someday and lots of practice, practice, practice...

  14. I adore the little cottage! It is cosy and utterly charming and I enjoyed the commentary as it pointed out details that I might have otherwise have missed. Thank you for showing this post here.


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